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Seminoff JA, Komoroske LM, Amorocho D, Arauz R, Chacón-Chaverrí D, de Paz N, Dutton PH, Donoso M, Heidemeyer M, Hoeffer G, Jones TT, Kelez S, Lemons GE, Rguez-Baron JM, Sampson L, Santos Baca L, Steiner T, Vejar Rubio M, Zárate P, Zavala-Norzagaray A, & Popp BN. 2021. Large-scale patterns of green turtle trophic ecology in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Ecosphere, 12(6).
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Seminoff JA, Komoroske LM, Amorocho D, Arauz R, Chacón-Chaverrí D, de Paz N, Dutton PH, Donoso M, Heidemeyer M, Hoeffer G, Jones TT, Kelez S, Lemons GE, Rguez-Baron JM, Sampson L, Santos Baca L, Steiner T, Vejar Rubio M, Zárate P, Zavala-Norzagaray A, & Popp BN. 2021. Large-scale patterns of green turtle trophic ecology in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Ecosphere, 12(6).